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Suspended Poster Display Kit - Portrait DW - 6x5

Hanging poster display kits - double width portrait pocket style - Layout: 3x5 assembled between cable wires
A4 Portrait double width style cable pocket suspended between cables
A3 Landscape cables pockets suspended in a sweet shop window
Cable pockets with lighting mounted inside onto an estate agent's wall
Poster being removed by hand from a double width landscape cable pocket


Regular non-illuminated poster display kits.

Double width pocket style takes 2 sheets of paper side by side, or 4 sheets back-to-back.

Easy access acrylic poster sleeves which allow your advertisements to be changed in seconds.

Window or wall mounted cable fixing options.

  • Estate agents
  • Beauty salons
  • Bars & Restaurants
Product Code: A5-NL-PT-DW-6x5
Enter Quantity: Price £99.21 (ex. VAT)
Quantity 2+ 3+ 4+ Discount Group
Price £97.23 £95.24 £93.26 A5-NL-PT-DW
Product Details & Dimensions Measurement / weight
Total display width 1029mm
Minimum height required 1185mm
Initial cable length 4000mm
Total display weight 5.456kg
Component List Quantity
Easy access poster sleeves 30
Easy access acrylic holders 15
Hanging cable kits 4
Single clamps 20
Double clamps 20
Wall mounted fixings 0